This page was put together through input from Century faculty and staff as a source of information for all Century College Faculty. If you have any ideas, concerns, or questions about the information on this page please do not hesitate to reach out directly to the bookstore staff.  We are here to help!





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Multiple factors influence the end cost of textbooks for students. Below are the main factors that have the most impact on textbook cost for students at Century College.


  • Adopting Textbooks by the Bookstore deadline
    • The bookstore sets a deadline for textbook adopting every semester. This allows the bookstore time to find and source all the requested materials.  We set the deadline so that we can guarantee that your course materials will be in stock and on the shelves on or before the first day of class allowing students to come to class prepared and ready to work.
  •  Shipping Fees
    • Shipping works hand-in-hand with getting your adoption requests in by the due date.  We work with many vendors and they all know the importance of having your materials in the bookstore and on the shelf by the start of the semester. Most of our vendors offer free shipping if we order in enough volume and by a certain date. This directly impacts students by reducing the cost of their textbooks. Late adoptions, conversely, can increase the cost to students.
  • Material Condition
    • New textbooks are mostly more expensive than used textbooks. Whenever possible the bookstore purchases a mix of new and used copies of textbook adoptions.
    • Used textbooks are typically cheaper when available. Older editions are a great resource, however, some older editions are hard to get which can end up increasing the cost - even over the cost of the new edition. Sometimes older editions of textbooks have to be sourced from multiple vendors which can also lead to an increased cost.
  • Format
    • Similar to new and used conditions of textbooks, the format of a text will also determine the cost. Textbooks come in multiple formats that allow the bookstore some flexibility to help reduce overall cost for students. Below is a chart of Textbook formats along with relative cost to students. One thing to always keep in mind is that bundled textbooks, for example an access code and a hardcover print textbook, can often be cheaper than the hardcover print textbook on its own. Lets take a look!

  • Copyright
    • Open Educational Resources(OER) are the cheapest option available - Free!  Some OER texts are available in print and some are able to be printed locally and sold in the bookstore for a small fee. Interested in having print copies available? Let the bookstore know!